Communication / Comunicación
Regular communication between the school and home is very important. Please be sure that your child’s teacher has updated contact information at all times so he or she can call or write with good news or with concerns. La comunicación regular entre la escuela y el hogar es muy importante. Asegúrese de que el maestro de su hijo tenga la información de contacto actualizada en todo momento para que pueda llamar o escribir con buenas noticias o inquietudes.Suscribe to Barrington's 2022 Bond Project Update
As part of the 2022 Bond, Barrington Elementary School will receive a full modernization of the existing campus at its current location.Volunteer
¡Apoya a tu comunidad y marca la diferencia! Regístrese para ser voluntario en Austin ISD y ayudar a crear un impacto positivo para los estudiantes y las escuelas. Todos los voluntarios deben completar una verificación de antecedentes sin costo alguno.Calendar of Events
Student Holiday
Student Holiday
Mighty Mustang Proud
CLI Creative Learning Initiative
Dual Language Spanish/English
SEL Social Emotional Learning
Programs Free/ Tuition-based After School Programs
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
Partner with Communities in Schools
We instill pride and respect for self, school, and community, and inspire our students to become creative and critical thinkers.